Autumn Leaves of Oidaira Park

Every year in November, Oidaira Park, in the Inabu neighborhood (city of Toyota), receives many visitors to enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves.

Oidaira Park is a famous place to observe the mountain’s autumn leaves with a beautiful contrast of red, green and yellow.

Furthermore, the beautiful autumn leaves protrude on the surface along the Nagura River from where we can observe from the top of the suspension bridge.

We can also take the opportunity to take beautiful photos of this majestic suspension bridge.

Additionally, the autumn leaves will be illuminated in the late afternoon and last until 9pm. Many couples come here to enjoy this romantic place and take beautiful photos of the illuminated autumn leaves.

  • Season: Autumn Leaves.
  • Autumn Leaves Period: Beginning to end of November.
  • Night Lighting: Early to mid-November.
  • Location: Toyota, Aichi.
  • WC: Available.
  • Parking: Available – 500 yens Car and 300 yens motorcycle (in the season of autumn leaves).

Aichi Toyota Inabu Oidaira 5-1

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