Brazilian arrested for illegally throwing household waste in a park in Kanazawa

Japan Guide 2022/11/29

Brazilian Inoue Edison Age (イノウエ エディソン エイジ), 56, was arrested on suspicion of violating the law on garbage disposal and cleaning in Moriyama, Kanazawa City.

According to a police investigation, Inoue dumped two garbage bags weighing approximately eight kilograms containing noodle containers, plastic bottles and other household waste at a park in Motomachi.

In response to the investigation, Inouye admitted to throwing it away and said he has played it before. I thought it was a good place to throw it away.

According to police, a local resident reported to the station that a garbage bag had been thrown into the park, and items with Inoue’s name and address were found among the dumped garbage.

Source: TBS News

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