Brazilian Day Tokyo

Don’t miss the biggest Brazilian Festival in Tokyo on November 19th and 20th, free admission from 11:00 to 19:00 hr.

Yoyogi Park in Tokyo will turn into a green and yellow place on November 19th and 20th with Festival Brasil. There are two days of free Festival from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.

The event takes place in commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil. Held by the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCBJ). The CCBJ started the event with the objective of strengthening the integration between Japanese and foreign youths in general and Brazilians. Thus, friendship between countries always remains. In the years 2020 and 2021, the festival was not held because of the pandemic.

This year, the special guest will be the singer and songwriter Fabio de Jesus, better known as MC Koringa, who comes from Brazil especially for the event. He participated in Rock in Rio that took place in Brazil recently. His musical style is funk, pop and dance and will close the show schedule on Sunday. On Saturday, comedian and singer Luiz França will do a show to stir up the audience.


As always, the festival will have the presence of Brazilian and Japanese artists, with styles forró, pagode, sertanejo, samba, MPB, rapper, chorinho, carimbó, etc.


There are several capoeira groups that will participate in the event. There are several Japanese who already practice capoeira in Japan.


A wide variety of typical Brazilian food for the public to discover the richness of Brazilian cuisine. Traditional barbecues, pastel, coxinha, kibbeh, churros, quindim will be sold at the event.

Date: 19 (Saturday) and 20 (Sunday) of November, from 11 am to 7 pm

Location: Yoyogi Park, Tokyo

Entrance: Free

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