Brazilian is arrested for running over a 55-year-old man in the city of Nishio

Japan Guide 2022/08/28

On the 27th, a Brazilian who was driving a motorcycle without a license was arrested in a hit-and-run case in which his motorcycle hit a pedestrian and seriously injured him on a national highway in the city of Nishio, Aichi Prefecture.

The Brazilian Sakamoto Kaiki Zuanon, 22, was arrested on suspicion of running over and driving without a license.

According to police, Sakamoto hit a 55-year-old man and fled the scene, the man was trying to cross the road on National Route 247 in Isshiki-cho, Nishio City and fractured ribs and broke his nose.

As the motorcycle was left at the scene of the accident, Sakamoto emerged as a suspect when examining the vehicle’s identification number and other information. In response to the police investigation, Sakamoto admitted to the charges.

Source: CBC TV

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