It is an eccentric festival that takes place every year on March 15 in Aichi, Komaki City at the Tagata Jinja Shrine. A religious harvest and fertility festival celebrated to have a year of good harvest and fertility (symbolized by the penis). It is visited by those who wish to have children or by those who come to ask for health for future children.
On this day, food and souvenir stalls are spread throughout the region, with handicrafts, lollipops and caramelized bananas in the shape of penises. Attracting many tourists and curious onlookers, who enjoy the moment.
The festival starts at 10am (2pm when the procession begins) and ends at 4:30pm with the showering of mochi (rice balls), which are thrown to bring good luck that year.
- Festival: Japan Bizarre Festival (Penis Festival).
- Location: Aichi – Komaki (Tagata Jinja Shrine).
- Date: Every year on March 15th.
- Time: 10:00 to 16:30.
- WC: Available.
Aichi, Komaki, Tagatacho 152