How to transfer your Driver’s License to the Japanese License

The Driving License must be valid (not expired) or for new licenses to have at least 91 days of validity, then it is possible to transfer the foreign driving license to the Japanese license. Then just take the psychotechnician exam, knowledge exam and practical exam.

The essential requirements for requesting the appropriate procedures are as follows:

  • Original and front and back copy of the foreign driver’s license.
  • Translation of foreign driver’s license (must be translated by the Japan Automobile Federation-JAF).
  • Current and previous Original Passport (which contains all stamped departure and entry dates).
  • Present the Zairyu Card.
  • 1 photo of 3x 2.4 (taken in the last 6 months, without a hat and with a light, one-color background).

Depending on the nationality of the applicant or depending on the province, the documents required may vary.

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