In the city of Toyota, on the 26th, the integration of the Gakudou Co.LABO school with the Nectar school was carried out with the support of Japan Guide

2024/08/26 – Japan Guide

Nectar School was invited by Japan Guide to interact with students from Gakudou Co.Labo 子らぼ school, with the aim of promoting integration and better coexistence among Japanese children.

The event was held on the 26th, with the aim of promoting interaction between Brazilian and Japanese students in the city of Toyota.

It was the first time that the schools had come together and celebrated with great joy Néctar School accepted the invitation immediately and showed itself to be a school belonging to the community of the city of Toyota.

The meeting was a success thanks to the dedication of director Cleonice Goes Nishi from the Nectar school and director Reiko Nakagawa from Shogakou Co Labo, and we at Japan Guide were very happy to see the unity and joy of the children.

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