Japan sends investigators to Brazil to look for Brazilian killer Barbosa Anderson Robson

Japan Guide 2022/11/20

Police in the city of Sakai in Osaka Prefecture sent investigators to Brazil, where the killer is believed to have fled, in the case of the Brazilian wanted internationally for the murder of his wife and daughter here in Japan.

Osaka Prefectural Police investigators left Kansai Airport on the afternoon of the 19th for Brazil.

Brazilian Barbosa Anderson Robson, 33, is suspected of murdering his wife Manami Aramaki, 29, and their eldest daughter Lily, 3, in an apartment in the city of Sakai in August this year.

Barbosa fled to Brazil after the incident, and investigators first go to local law enforcement authorities to explain the status of the investigation.

Brazil’s constitution prohibits the extradition of citizens to foreign countries, and the prefectural police are preparing to seek “proxy punishment” to punish according to local law.

Source: YTV News

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