Kikugawa Alimony

With the aim of contributing to the healthy formation of children who will lead society in the next generation, allowances will be paid to those who take care of children who have not completed elementary school, children aged 0 to 15 years old.

Payment Requirements

• In principle, the child must live in Japan.

• If the parents are divorced by common agreement and live separately, the subsidy will be paid preferably to the person who lives with the child (a certificate must be attached).

• If the parents live abroad, the subsidy will be paid to those who have designated that they are raising the child in Japan (designated parents).

• If there is a minor guardian looking after the child.

• If the child is in an institution or entrusted to an adoptive parent, etc., the subsidy will be paid to the owner of the institution or the adoptive parent.

Payment Amount

AgeLess than the income limit Child support (monthly) Income limit or more Exceptional benefit (monthly value)
Less than 3 years15.000 yen5.000 yen
3 years or more before completion of elementary school (1st child, 2nd child)10.000 yen5.000 yen
3 years or more before completing elementary school (third child)15.000 yen5.000 yen
High school students10.000 yen5.000 yen

Pay Month

• June 15th (February to May)

• October 15th (from June to September)

• February 15th (October to January)

If the 15th falls on a holiday, payment will be made on the previous business day.

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