Labor Day – Kinrou Kansha no Hi

Thanksgiving at Work

In Japan, Labor Day is celebrated on November 23rd (national holiday) called Kinrou Kansha no Hi (勤労感謝 の日), which translates as Thanksgiving to Labor Day. In several countries around the world, Labor Day is celebrated on May 1st.

Although the official day of Labor Day is November 23, May 1 is also celebrated as Labor Day by many unions in Japan.

Labor Day is to thank workers in general, regardless of their profession, as each one in their own way, contributes to the development of the country, which today forms the third largest power in the world.

The modern national holiday was established in 1948, after the Second World War, as a day to also celebrate some changes made to the constitution in favor of respect for human rights and, in particular, in favor of the extension of workers’ rights.

National Holiday: November 23, Kinrou Kansha no Hi (Labor Day).

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