
Nachi Waterfall

With a drop of 133 meters, 13 meters wide and 10 meters deep, it is the highest waterfall in the country and is one of the best-known waterfalls in Japan.

Nachikatsuura tem uma área total de 183.45 km²

With an estimated population of 14,683, including around 93 foreigners, 4 Brazilians, 3 Americans, 33 Koreans, 8 Chinese, 26 Philippines, 14 Thai and others…

Nachikatsuura Cho │ 那智勝浦町

Nachikatsuura (那智勝浦町), is a town located in the Higashimuro District in Wakayama Province.


It received city status in 1955 with the amalgamation of four cities: Nachi, Katsuura, Ukuimura and Wakamura, in 1960 the municipality expanded to include Shimosato further south and Otamura inland on the Ota River.

Nachikatsuura Attractions

  • Nachi Waterfall


    Nachi Waterfall (那智滝 – Nachi no Taki), located in the Nachikatsuura district of Wakayama Prefecture, is one of the most well-known waterfalls in Japan. With a drop of 133 meters, …

Nachikatsuura Events


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