Police arrest three Brazilians with marijuana in Shizuoka prefecture

Japan Guide 2022/07/23

Police arrested two Brazilian men who had dried marijuana for commercial purposes on the 22nd and a man who allegedly bought marijuana from them.
The two Brazilians arrested are Vinicius de Oliveira Okuyama (デ・オリベイラオクヤマ・ビニシウス) and Moraes Fusma Felipe Kenji (モラエス・フスマフェリペ・ケンジ).
According to police, the two were in possession of dry marijuana and other items for sale on June 9, and are likely part of a group that sells illegal drugs.
Police also arrested Brazilian pothead Oshiro Erikiseishu (オオシロ・エリキセイシュウ), who is believed to have purchased dried marijuana from the two people.

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