
Joso City  常総市

Joso (常総市) is a Japanese city located in the province of Ibaraki, with a population of 62.810 inhabitants, including about 5.522 foreign citizens, being 1.903 Brazilians, 231 Peruvians, 60 Koreans, 248 Chinese, 1,135 Philippines, 119 Thailand, 13 Iran and others, the largest city in Ibaraki in terms of number of Brazilians (data from City Hall).

Joso is the result of the merger that took place on January 1, 2006 between Ishige from the Yuki district and the city of Mitsukaido, receiving city status on July 10, 1954.


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Kita Informática e Consultoria Imobiliária.


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Centro de apoio e assistência ao Trabalhador, seguro desemprego e agência de emprego. Horário: Segunda a sexta 8:30 as 17:15.…

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