
Iwata City  磐田市

Iwata (磐田市) is a city located in Shizuoka Prefecture, with an area of 163.45 square kilometers and a population of 169.643 inhab., including about 8.380 foreign citizens, being 4.799 Brazilians, 233 Peruvians, 506 Chinese, 1.204 Philippines, 299 Indonesia, 114 Koreans, 628 Vietnam, 170 Thai, 73 Sri Lanka, 44 Pakistan and others…

Iwata has a climate characterized by hot, humid summers and relatively mild winters. September is the rainiest month. Temperatures are highest in August, reaching around 27.8°C, and the lowest in January with 6°C.

Iwata City was granted city status in April 1948 and in April 2005 the neighboring cities of Fukude, Ryūyō, Toyoda and Toyooka Village were merged into Iwata.

In 2011, Shippei was chosen as the town’s character, themed around the sacred dog legend “Shippei Taro”.

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