Starting in December, Japan will reinforce punishments for anyone using a cell phone while driving

Japan Guide 2019/09/17.

In 2018, more than 2,700 accidents caused by the use of a cell phone were recorded. From December onwards, according to the new law, drivers using a cell phone/smartphone will have points and the amount of fines tripled (very serious infraction), due to increase in the number of traffic accidents.

Japan wants to reduce the combination of cell phones and driving. If the
driver is caught driving using a cell phone, even if it does not pose a risk of
accident may be penalized with up to 6 months in prison or payment of a
fine of up to 100 thousand yen.

Let’s keep an eye out, as a driver who causes an accident using a cell phone could face up to 1 year in prison or pay a fine of up to 300,000 yen.

Driving while talking on a cell phone is a risky practice

In 2018, almost 2,800 traffic accidents were recorded caused by cell phone use, several drivers are fined every day for using their cell phone while driving in Japan. Cell phones and cars have become objects of basic need for practically every citizen, whether for work or fun , it is impossible for us to spend much time without them. But using both at the same time may not be the best combination. Drivers spend, on average, 4.5 seconds without paying attention to the road while driving because they are looking at their cell phone monitor. This is enough time for a serious accident to occur.

So pay attention!! The police are watching!!
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Aldo -
Será que dirigindo e olhando o nave do celular preso ao lado, isso também vá gerar multa?
Guia CJ 日本 -
Não, se você não estiver mexendo no seu celular, ele não gerará uma multa. Sua pergunta foi respondida pela delegacia de Nagoya. Obrigado pela sua pergunta, pois ela ajuda nossos leitores.
Mário Matsuda -
Mas no caso de estiver parado no semáforo e mexer no celular . Será penalizado ou só se estiver dirigindo?
Guia CJ 日本 -
Só gerará uma multa se você estiver dirigindo. Mexendo no celular com o carro parado não gera multa, mesmo no sinal vermelho. Sua pergunta foi respondida pela delegacia de Nagoya. Obrigado pela sua pergunta, pois ela ajuda nossos leitores.
Sheila -
E se estiver usando o fone de ouvido, isso também irá gerar uma multa?
Guia CJ 日本 -
Se não tiver mexendo no celular não tem problema.
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