Japanese Culture

Mikomai Dance

Mikomai which means dance of shrine maidens, that is, dances performed by shrine maidens. It is an ancient Japanese Shinto…

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Dashi – Japanese Float

Dashi (山車, characters for mountain and car) are floats with various decorations that appear at Japanese festivals and are pulled…

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Daimyo (大名) is a generic term referring to a powerful Japanese feudal lord, lord of lands, subordinate only to the…

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One of Japan’s symbols Torii são geralmente portais vermelhos ou alaranjados compostos de dois pilares verticais e unidos por uma…

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Shamisen is a traditional Japanese musical instrument, with three strings, whose resonance box has a cat or snake skin top.…

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Married Rocks

Meoto Iwa are two rocks in the Futami Sea in Mie-ken in Ise City. The two rocks are the symbol…

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