The 2023 Brazilian School Olympics will take place at Ecopa Stadium in Fukuroi City on July 22

The JEBRA Japan 2023 countdown begins.

The Brazilian School Games will be held on July 22, at the Ecopa Stadium, in Fukuroi (Shizuoka), from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The initiative is from NPO Sorriso de Criança and has the support of the Consulate General of Brazil in Hamamatsu (Shizuoka), the Ministry of Sports of Brazil and several celebrities from the world of sport, such as table tennis player Hugo Hoyama, former -volleyball player Leila and the Minister of Sports of Brazil, Ana Moser.

The event replaces the former ¨School Olympics¨, held last year with the participation of 16 schools, bringing together 650 young people from 8 provinces in Japan.

During the event, several sports will be played, from the more traditional ones, such as soccer, volleyball and table tennis, to athletics events and chess matches.

Come join and strengthen your ties with Brazil!

  • JEBRA – Brazilian/Japan School Games
  • Location: Ecopa – Fukuroi / Shizuoka
  • Date: July 22, 2023.
  • Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Shizuoka Fukuroi Aino 2300-1

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