The Government communicates foreigners working in Japanese companies

Due to the new coronavirus, the company you work for may be in a difficult financial situation. However, because you are a foreigner, the company cannot treat you differently (inferiorly) than a Japanese person. Please be careful with the 4 items below.

  • For the convenience of the company, if the company tells you to (take time off), the company must pay the Time Off Allowance (kyugyo teate). This will be the same as the Japanese.
  • If you take time off work because your child’s classes are suspended, you can use the annual paid time off (nenji yukyu kyuka). This will also be the same for the Japanese.
  • The Japanese government, in order to protect workers, will pay subsidy to companies. This money can be used for both Japanese and foreigners.
  • The employer cannot force you to leave the company. When a company wants to fire a foreign worker, it must follow the same rules as for a Japanese worker.

If you have any problems, consult your nearest Labor Bureau, the Labor Standards Inspectorate and Hello Work, for residents in the Aichi region, consult the Nagoya International Center (052-581-0100).

The Aichi Secretary of Labor has a special consultation reception for workers, related to contamination with the new coronavirus.

  • Opening hours: 9:30 am to 5 pm (weekdays only)
  • Tel: 052-972-0266

Na Inspetoria de Normas do Trabalho, é possível fazer as seguintes perguntas

  • Time off allowance (kyugyou teate) rules.
  • Rules on paid annual time off (nenji yukyu kyuka).
  • Dismissal rules.
  • Other working conditions such as working hours, salary, etc.

At Hello Work, you can make the following queries:

  • How to look for a job or presentation
  • How to receive employment insurance money (work insurance) when you leave your job.
  • If you need an interpreter, consult the Nagoya International Center.

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