The Guard Kowa α 3 +「ザ ガード」- Medication for Bowel Regulation

Suitable for People

Intestinal regulation (regulates bowel movements), loose stools, constipation, feeling of fullness in the stomach and abdomen, indigestion, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, weak stomach, loss of appetite, overeating, drinking too much, nausea, vomiting, heartburn , dysphagia, stomach discomfort, stomach heaviness, gastric hyperacidity, belching, stomach pain.

Features of the following symptoms

  • Reduces stomach bloating

promotes the release of gases that are in your stomach and reduces stomach bloating and the feeling of bloating.

  • It improves the function of the weakened stomach and reduces the burden on the intestine.

Activates gastrointestinal motility. Sufficient digestion reduces the burden on the large intestine.

The live bacteria reach the large intestine and improve the condition in the intestine.

It contains herbal medicines to improve weakened stomach function and reduce the burden on the intestine, MMSC which normalizes stomach function and antacid which protects bifid bacillus and lactic acid bacteria which are weak against acid!

  • Contains three types of live bacteria! It gets to your large intestine alive!

It contains the representative of good bacteria, Lactobacillus bifidus!

Three kinds of live bacteria with different characteristics, bacillus natto, lactic acid bacterium and bacillus bifidus, will work effectively to help the good bacteria and suppress the bad bacteria in the intestine and help control the intestinal condition.


IngredientsAmountFunction / Capability
Bacillus natto powder10mgIt helps to increase bacillus bifidus, which is a beneficial bacteria in the intestine, and improves intestinal function.
Lactomine (lactic acid bacteria)30mgIt creates lactic acid in the gut, suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria and improves bowel function.
Bifidobacterium30mgIt creates acetic acid and lactic acid, suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria and improves bowel function.
dimethylpolysiloxane84,6mgIt eliminates gas from the gastrointestinal tract and improves stomach and abdomen bloating.
swede herb powder30mgIn addition, it improves the function of weak stomach.
cinnamon bark powder30mgIn addition, it improves the function of weak stomach.
fennel powder30mgIn addition, it improves the function of weak stomach.
Methyl methionine sulfonic chloride30mgIt protects and repairs damaged gastric mucosa.
precipitated calcium carbonate300mgIt neutralizes stomach acid and protects lactic acid bacteria and bacillus bifidus which are weak against stomach acid.

>> Dosage

  • Children (under 5 years): X
  • Children (5 to 7 years): 1 tablet, 3 times a day.
  • Children (ages 8 to 14): 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Adults (from 15 years old): 3 tablets, 3 times a day.

Take with water after meals.

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