Tokyo 2020 Olympic Medal

Publicado em julho de 2019.

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Medals revealed, the design of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic medals reflects the concept that, to achieve glory, athletes need to fight for victory daily.

The medals resemble rough stones that have been polished and now shine, their design is intended to symbolize diversity and represent a world where people who compete in sports and work hard are honored.

The glow of the medals’ reflections signifies the warm glow of friendship represented by people from all over the world holding hands.

The ribbon is designed to be a reflection of Japan itself and the way the country demonstrates “Unity in Diversity.” The design also promotes the Tokyo 2020 brand vision of “Innovation of Harmony”.

Convex silicone lines are applied to the surface of the ribbon so that anyone can recognize the type of medal (gold, silver or bronze) simply by touching it. Chemically recycled polyester fibers that produce less CO2 during the manufacturing process are used; these allow the ribbons to incorporate the central graphic colors of Tokyo 2020 and be extremely durable at the same time.

Images: Courtesy of Tokyo 2020

Medal Specifications
  1. Diameter: 85 mm
  2. Thickness: Thinnest part: 7.7mm / Thickest part: 12.1mm
  3. Gold Weight: About 556g
  4. Silver Weght: About 550g
  5. Bronze Weight: About 450g
  6. Gold Composition: More than 6 grams of gold plating on pure silver
  7. Silver Pure silver
  8. Bronze: Red brass (95% copper and 5% zinc)
  9. Ribbons Attache to the Top of Medals
  10. On the side of the medal: The name of the event will be engraved in English
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