Why Today’s Young Japanese Are Less and Less Interested in Sex

Japan Guide 2019

Today’s young Japanese are not very interested in sex, according to a Population Studies survey, the proportion of single men aged between 18 and 34 responded that they still haven’t had sex (42%), and the proportion of single women responded that they are virgins (59.1%), and this number is increasing. Whatever the reason, nearly half of young Japanese people entered their 30s without any sexual experience. So many Japanese end up marrying later or staying single, thus contributing to the country’s low birth rate.

According to research, one of the reasons is that many Japanese are shy, claiming to be ashamed or afraid of women, fear of being rejected. Men prefer to have a hobby or sleep, this behavior is becoming more frequent, indicates a study by the Japanese government.

And some women responded that sex is not something I want or need, I prefer eating or staying out late at night drinking with friends or sleeping. They replied, if I have a boyfriend I lose my freedom. I do not want it.

And the other causes are the long working hours recorded in the country, which reach up to 80 hours a week, even affecting sexuality. More than 21.3% of the married men interviewed said they did not have sex with their wives because they were too tired after work.

Also the increase of men identified as herbivores is increasing, herbivorous men are not very interested in money or material goods, they are young people who earn little, spend little, but are interested in fashion and appearance and do not care about sex, they show a lack of sexual appetite.

The most shocking result of the research was that between the ages of 25 and 30, which is considered an age when men tend to have a more active sex life, 20% of men showed very little interest in sex.

For the Japanese government, this trend in Japan is worrying, because Japan is one of the countries with the lowest birth rate in the world, and the current population of 126 million people has been decreasing in the last ten years.

Why the name herbivorous man?

In Japan, sex is translated as a relationship of the flesh, so since young people are not interested in meat (sex), then came the name ¨herbivore men¨, men who do not want to have a relationship.

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