Work Accident

What happens to my salary if I have an accident at work?

In the event of an accident or treatment due to a disaster during work or on the way to work, this work accident compensation is determined by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Law and is paid by workers’ compensation insurance.

It is a system to ensure that workers can receive compensation in the event of injury, illness, disability or death due to unforeseen circumstances.

Payment Requirements:

  • Treatment of illness (work-related injury);
  • Round-trip route between the residence of the worker and the workplace;
  • Getting around from one work location to another workplace;
  • Unable to work because you are in medical treatment;
  • Not receiving a salary because you can’t yet to work;
  • The waiting period (3 days) has expired.

If you are out of work due to injury or illness at work, you will receive sick leave benefit and payment from the fourth day. From the first day of leave until the third day is called the waiting period, compensation for leave during this period, based on Labor Laws, will be paid by the employer (60% of the average salary per day), plus up to 20% special payment for the days off duty.

What is the basic daily benefit amount:

The calculation is made based on the last three salaries paid to the worker, divided by the number of days during the three months preceding the day of the accident (the day the doctor’s diagnosis was given), including the payment of overtime.

Example calculation:

If the last three payments correspond to a salary of 250 thousand yen.

  • 250,000 × 3 = 750,000
  • Divided (÷) by 92 days = 8,153 yen (daily value)
  • 8,153×60% = 4,891 yen (60% daily benefit value)
  • 8,153×20% = 1630 yen (20% daily special payment amount)
  • The total amount of 6,521 yen will be granted, which corresponds to 80% of the basic daily value of the benefit for one day of absence.

※ According to the law, it is prohibited to dismiss a worker during the period in which he is away from work because he is undergoing medical treatment due to an injury and/or illness resulting from an accident at work and for this reason he is unable to work and also for 30 days after this period.

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Renato -
Boa tarde!! Faz 1 ano e 6 meses que trabalho numa empresa aí tive hernia por causa do movimento repetitivo e tive que me operar,fiquei 1 mês e 13 dias em casa,a empreiteira onde eu trabalho me colocou pra receber do shakai,gostaria de saber se isso é certo,contando que recebi uma merreca depois de quase três meses depois.. obrigado
Guia CJ 日本 -
bom dia, o tempo que leva para receber não sei certo, mas aqui no japão quem paga o salario quando não pode trabalhar por motivo de doença é o Shakai, mas se você acha que tem algo errado, procure o ministério da saúde (ministério do trabalho) mas se não souber falar bem o japonês (não tem tradutor), pode tirar duvidas na Hello Work, quase todas as Hello Work tem tradutores e vai saber te explicar certinho.
Andre Kamogawa -
Boa noite, eu perdi a ponta do dedo da mão direita e o médico me deu atestado para 2 semanas, ainda sinto dor e o pessoal da fábrica quer que eu volte a trabalhar na segunda-feira……quais meus direitos e quais meus deveres com a fábrica? Eu perderia algum direito se voltar a trabalhar mesmo sentindo dor?
Guia Japão -
Bom dia, para saber com certeza, por favor utilize o telefone de ajuda aos estrangeiros neste link (possui tradutores):
 ou neste:
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