Difference between Daycare and Kindergarten
Daycare (hoikuen/保育園): Daycare is aimed at parents who work or are unable to care for their children at home for…
News Japan Guide
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Daycare (hoikuen/保育園): Daycare is aimed at parents who work or are unable to care for their children at home for…
Haken Shain is the worker hired by Haken Gaisha and allocated to another company. It is one of the types…
Paid vacation, which is popularly known as Yukyu (paid annual time off), is also called Nenkyu or Nenji Yukyu Kyukae,…
The Driving License must be valid (not expired) or for new licenses to have at least 91 days of validity,…
Your Residence Card (Zairyu card) must be renewed within 30 days of the expiration date printed on the card, after…
Did you know that foreigners are required to always carry the Zairyu Card (Resident Card), by law foreigners who do…
Japanese say that personality is determined by blood type In Japan, asking a person’s blood type is common. In Japanese…
Halloween as we know, always celebrated on October 31, is a traditional and cultural event that takes place in Anglo-Saxon…
Japanese immigration to Brazil began in the 20th century, through an agreement between the Brazilian and Japanese governments. Officially, on…
Japanese language classes are taught by volunteers for people of foreign nationality, every Saturday from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.…
Curso Gratuito de Japonês da Associação Internacional de Chiryu (Chuo Kominkan) do lado da Prefeitura, todas os sábados das 19:00 as 20:30 horas.…
A Associação de Intercâmbio Internacional da cidade de Gifu oferece cursos gratuitos japonês aos estrangeiros, ministrados por voluntários e oferece…
Curso Gratuito de Japonês do Centro de Aprendizagem de Miyoshi, aulas ministradas por voluntários. Informações: Prefeitura de Miyoshi Tel.: 0561-32-2111 Inscrição:…
Curso Gratuito de Japonês do Centro Internacional de Intercâmbio – Libra, aulas ministradas por voluntários. Intérprete Português e Espanhol: Kishimoto…
Aulas de língua japonesa gratuita, ministradas por voluntários para estrangeiros, durante a semana das 10:00 às 12:00 ou aos sábados…
Aiplaza Toyohashi (アイプラザ豊橋) Todas as quinta-feira Das 10:00 às 11:30 Informações: 0532-55-3671 (Português, Espanhol, Tagalo e Inglês) Aichi-ken Toyohash-shi Kusama-cho…
Unlike other countries, where the date is celebrated on June 12, in Japan Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14.…
SÓ AQUI VOCÊ ECONOMIZA NOS MELHORES COMERCIO DO JAPÃO Confira aqui onde você pode economizar usando o cupom de desconto…
The history of Japan is rich in character, intriguing and full of interesting characters. But perhaps none were as influential…
Excepcional Show de Taiko (Wadaiko), realizado no Festival dos Homens Nus (Hadaka Matsuri), na cidade de Toyota.
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