Home NewsLabor Rights Forced Rest Allowance (Kyuugyou Teate)

Forced Rest Allowance (Kyuugyou Teate)

Payment for forced rest day

Employee benefits in Japan

It is a benefit paid to workers when the company asks the employee to rest at home the entire day, that is, the company can excuse the employee from the workday or leave the employee early or come in later at work, for the company’s convenience, due to a downturn in production (sudden drop in production), machine defects or when there is no service to be done. In this case, she is obliged to pay at least 60% of the average salary, including overtime. If the day off is for the entire day, the employer must pay 60% or more of the average daily wage.

If the employee only works a few hours a day, the company will have to make up the difference until it reaches 60%. If the amount worked exceeds 60% of the average salary, the company is obliged to pay for the hours actually worked. In accordance with article 26 of the Labor Standards law.

If you are dismissed due to bad weather, in the case of snowfall or heavy rain, and the company asks employees not to come to work, the company will have to pay for the forced rest, at least 60% of the value of the teiji (but only if the company dismisses the employee).

In the event of earthquakes, traffic problems resulting from strikes or popular demonstrations, or in events for which the company is not responsible, it is released from paying this aid.

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Keiko claudia kiyota -

Boa tarde meu filho desmaiou no trabalho e se encontra internado
E nesse tempo eqto ele esta no hospital foram lá e deram um papel para ele ssinar..está internado num hospital de cabeça pois depois desse desmaio ele precisou ficar internado..explicarei os detathes
Por favor me ajudem estou desesperada ele a 8 anos nessa fábrica como seishain..a idade dele agora é 31 anos

amélia -

Gostaria de saber sobre aposentadoria por invalidez.

Guia CJ 日本 -

O sistema de Aposentadoria Básica por Invalidez “Shougai Kiso Nenkin” permite ao contribuinte do sistema de Pensão Nacional “Kokumin Nenkin” que paga um valor estipulado receber o benefício.
O valor será pago durante o período em que estiver contribuindo e de acordo com o grau de invalidez, a partir do dia em que receber o diagnóstico.

Junior -

Se esse essa folga for avisada com antecedência de 1 mês, a empresa ainda é responsável pelo pagamento ou fica isenta por ter avisado antecipadamente?

Guia CJ 日本 -

Como tem um mês essa folga não foi colocada como Yukyu?


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