The population of Kikugawa City is 47,612, including about 3,840 foreigners, with Brazilians being the largest number of resident foreigners with 2,114, followed by 738 Filipinos, 201 Chinese, 76 Indonesians, 67 Peruvians, 18 Koreans, 35 Thais, 20 Indians, 7 Sri Lankans, 5 Argentineans, 2 Americans, 1 Bolivian, 1 Paraguayan, 1 Uruguayan, 1 Mexican, 1 Iranian, 1 Canadian and others (city hall data).

Kikugawa City │ 菊川市

Kikugawa (菊川市), is located in the western part of Shizuoka Prefecture, extends along the middle course of the Kiku River, with 94.24 km² and was established on January 17, 2005, from the merger between the former city of Kikugawa with Ogasa.

The urban area expanded around the station and in the southern part of the city, becoming a commercial city and is widely known as the City of Tea. In the northern part of the city, agriculture such as tea and rice in the husk, which are basic crops, and horticulture in greenhouses are carried out.

In particular, tea, the main crop, has one of the largest growing areas in the province and is known nationally as a tea producing area. In the southern part of the city, large paddy fields are used for the efficient cultivation of rice by groups of farmers, as well as a wide variety of produce such as tea, lettuce and melon.

Kikugawa City's industry, which developed around the manufacture of tea-making equipment, saw rapid growth with the opening of the Kikugawa Interchange on the Tomei Expressway in 1969, with over 100 companies centered in four industrial parks.

Kikugawa City is a region blessed with warm weather and abundant nature, with September being the wettest month. Temperatures are highest in August, reaching around 30°C, and lowest in January at 2°C.

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