The area of Numazu is 187.10 km² with a population of 193.756 inhabitants, including around 2.600 foreign citizens, 211 Brazilians, 190 Peruvians, 70 Americans, 10 Argentines, 14 Paraguayans, 6 Mexicans, 744 Chinese, 1,156 Filipinos, 353 Koreans , 132 Thais, 67 Sri Lanka, 87 Indonesia, 33 India, 73 Pakistan and others…

Nimazu City │ 沼 津市

Numazu ( 津市) is a city located in Shizuoka Prefecture, with an impressive view of Mount Fuji over Oku Suruga Bay and with the Kano River flowing slowly through the city.


With a climate characterized by hot and humid summers and relatively mild winters. September is the rainiest month. Temperatures are highest in August, reaching around 26.5°C, and the lowest in January with 5.5°C.


Numazu was granted city status in July 1923. Numazu was destroyed by fire in 1926, and in July 1945 the city was targeted by American air raids in World War II and also had large parts of the city destroyed. In 1944, the city expanded by merging with the neighboring villages of Katahama, Kanaoka, Ooka and Shizuura. In 1955, the villages of Ashitaka, Oohira, Uchiura and Nishiura merged with Numazu, and in 1968 the city of Hara also merged with Numazu. In April 2005, the village of Heda was merged into Numazu.


Numazu stands out with 3 beautiful aquariums: Mito Sea Paradise, Awashima Marine Park and Numazu Deepblue Aquarium.


The emblem of the town of Numazu is a design that combines the “nude” of Numazu and the pine needles of Senbon Matsubara, which is famous as a picturesque spot.

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