Participate JapanMultishow by Japan Guide If you live in Japan and have an ensemble, band or sing, dance or samba, or some kind of talent or skill, join JapanMultishow. Participate Now! Attention: This registration is FREE, valid only for artists residing in Japan. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastArtistic NameE-mail *How Long Japan *Birth Date *Nationality *Talent / Skill *ActorAnnouncerArtBandChefClownComedianComposerCultureDanceDesignDJEnsembleGraphiteHumorInstrumentalistModelMusicianPaintingPresenterSingerStylistTeacherTheaterWriterOthersSTYLE: Singer / Musician / Band / EnsembleAxeBluesBossa NovaClassic RockClassicCountryDanceDiscoElectronicsForroFunkGospelHard RockHeavy MetalHip HopKids MusicInstrumentalJazzMetalMPBPagodaPopR&BRap MusicRockRomanticSambaTechnopopOthersShort Description: Artwork in your country and JapanSend 5/5 - (1 vote) Share FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrVKOdnoklassnikiRedditStumbleuponTelegramLINEEmail