Home Medicines GuideMedicines Ryukakusan medicine for cough, sore throat and hoarseness

Ryukakusan medicine for cough, sore throat and hoarseness

Ryukakusan (龍角散ダイレクト) it is indicated to eliminate cough, sore throat, expectoration, hoarseness, discomfort in the throat.

Main ingredients and relief of the following symptoms:

Kyonin (Cough suppressant effect), Campanula (Expectorant action), Senegal (Expectorant action), Daylily (Anti-inflammatory effect), Carrot, Asenyaku and Ephedra.


  • Finely powdered herbal ingredients act directly on the throat mucosa.
  • This medicine is taken without water.
  • Does not contain ingredients that cause drowsiness.
  • It does not contain sugar and can be taken up to 6 times a day.
  • Granules in mint and peach flavors.
  • Tablets in mango flavor.

>> Dosage

6 times a day. Wait at least 2 hours between doses.

Note: Place the medicine on your tongue and let it dissolve slowly until it reaches the back of your throat. No need for water, just put it in your mouth and swallow.

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