Worker support and assistance center, unemployment insurance and employment agency. Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:15 pm. Phone: 0537-22-4185 Jurisdiction: Kakegawa, Kikugawa, Omaezaki. Shizuoka-ken Kakegawa-shi Kaneshiro 71 5/5 - (1 vote) 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrVKOdnoklassnikiRedditStumbleuponTelegramLINEEmail previous post HELLO WORK JOSO next post HELLO WORK KARIYA You may also like HELLO WORK IWATA Kikugawa Alimony Shaken Kei (Shizuoka – Hamamatsu) HELLO WORK GOTENBA HELLO WORK GAMAGORI CITY HELLO WORK HAMAMATSU HELLO WORK SHINSHIRO HELLO WORK TSUSHIMA HELLO WORK FUKUI HELLO WORK FUJINOMIYA Leave a comment:Cancel reply