Home NewsJapan News A Brazilian worker is left with his right hand injured in an accident with a metal press at a factory in Toyama

A Brazilian worker is left with his right hand injured in an accident with a metal press at a factory in Toyama

2023/04/12 Japan Guide

According to police information, on the morning of the 10th, a Brazilian employee was seriously injured when his right hand was trapped while working on a metal press and his middle finger was broken.

The accident took place at the Kazumura Sangyo Toyama Factory, which deals with the production and processing of metal parts for cars and air-conditioning equipment, among others.

According to the police, at around 8:45 am on the 10th, 29-year-old Felipe Conrado (ダエネカス フェリペ コンラード), a Brazilian worker who works as an outsourced employee at this factory, was assembling an 80-centimeter agricultural tractor wheel with a 60 kg weight on a metal press when his right hand got caught under the wheel.

The accident resulted in a broken middle finger on his right hand and he was transported to the hospital. According to the police, Felipe usually worked alone on this machine.

Source: Yahoo

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