Home Japan Comment Kosei Hospital – Toyota

Comment Kosei Hospital – Toyota

Good Comments

  1. 膝の皿を骨折し3A病棟に入院しました。主治医の先生は毎朝病室まできて声かけしてくださいました。また、看護師さんもみなさん優しく親切な方ばかりでなおかつ患者の困り事に対しても、敏速丁寧で適切な対応していただけたので一抹の不安もなく、安心して療養できました。とても良い病院だと思います。
  2. Great


Bad Comments

  1. Very good reception… but it takes a long time to answer… hours after you arrived… especially if you ask for the help of a translator

  2. I was well taken care of by the doctors and receptionists, but tsuyaco did not accompany me, they only showed me and I had to turn around, because the hospital is very large, and care for foreigners has to pay 5,400 if you don’t come with a guide or letter from another hospital, better call before you go because service for foreigners is until 11 am

  3. 待つ時間長い
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