Home EventsFestivals & EventsFebruary Japan National Foundation Day Holiday

Japan National Foundation Day Holiday

kenkoku kinen no hi (建国記念の日), Also known as Kenkoku Kinenbi is the National Foundation Day of Japan. It is a national holiday in Japan celebrated annually on February 11, on this day the Japanese celebrate the founding of their nation and the imperial line by their first Emperor Jimmu.

According to records in the ancient book Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan), the oldest book on the history of Japan, the origin of the celebration was on a New Year’s Day in 660 BC based on the Chinese calendar, when the first Japanese emperor was crowned, so it is said that National Foundation Day originated from (New Year’s Day).

In 1872, the majority of the population of Japan still used the Chinese lunar calendar despite the official switch to the Gregorian calendar. The result was that Empire Day fell on New Year’s Day, and most people celebrated New Year’s Day instead of Empire Day. In response to this, the Meiji government in 1873 changed Empire Day to February 11, claiming that it was actually the accession day of Emperor Jimmu.

It was celebrated as Empire Day until World War II, and was a day of great pride marked by grand parades, fireworks and festivals. However, as a result of the war, the day was abolished for expressing inappropriate ideals. However, 20 years later, the holiday was restored in 1966, and since 1967 all Japanese people have celebrated their country’s birthday on February 11.

The flag represents the Emperor and continues to be a strong symbol to this day, with many people carrying it in parades and local festivities.

Day of commemoration of the founding of a nation

  • Kenkoku – founder of a nation
  • Kinen – celebration
  • Hi – day

National Holiday: February 11, Kenkoku Kinen no Hi (Japan National Foundation Day).

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