Home JapanHamamatsu Companies Hamamatsu Municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools

Hamamatsu Municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools

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In Japan, parents or guardians of children between the ages of 6 and 15 are required to enroll their children in school. In Hamamatsu, there are municipal elementary and junior high schools, both private and foreign schools.

Municipal primary and secondary schools have support measures for foreigners to adapt to school. To enroll, you must register with the education committee.

How to Enroll

To enroll in a public elementary school (Shogakko) or junior high school (Chugakko), you must receive guidance at the Education Assistance Center of the Pedagogical Division of the Education Committee Hamamatsu-shi Kyoiku Sogo Shien Center. Then, you must complete the registration procedures (application for school admission) at the General Education Affairs Division Kyoiku Soumuka.
Parents and/or guardians must bring their child with them and present the necessary documents, such as Zairyu Card, etc. The child may enroll in Shogakko or Chugakko starting on the date determined by the Education Committee. There are special schools for children who have concerns regarding physical, psychological, and other developmental issues.

For more information, please contact:

Hamamatsu shi kyoiku iinkai: Hamamatsu Education Committee

  • Enrollment at Shogakko and Chugakko Public Elementary Schools
  • Hamamatsu-shi Naka-ku Chuo 1-2-1 E-Stage-Hamamatsu Office 6F
  • Tel: 053-457-2406

Kyoiku sodan shien center: Educational Support and Guidance Center

  • Guidance (Explanation of the Japanese education system), Education consultation in Portuguese, Spanish and English (If you need an interpreter, please contact in advance).
  • Hamamatsu-shi Naka-ku Chuo 1-2-1 E-Stage-Hamamatsu Office 7F
  • Tel: 053-457-2424

Hamamatsu-shi Naka-ku Chuou 1-2-1 / Tel: 053-457-2429

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