Shakai Hoken (社会保険) is administered by the Japanese government, offered to salaried workers, it is a mandatory insurance that companies must register their employees with. Registration is done through the employer and consists of Health Insurance (kenko hoken) and Social Security (retirement), accidents and even funeral insurance.
Payment is mandatory for employees who have worked for more than 2 months at a company. This rate is calculated based on the average salary, the rate is deducted from the salary and its value is divided equally between the employee and the company, that is, the employee pays 50% and the company the other 50% of the total value.
People aged between 40 and 64 pay an additional fee for kaigo hokenryo, which is elderly care insurance. This fee is included in the shakai hoken and is deducted from the worker’s salary. After turning 65 years of age, the worker starts paying this fee directly to the city hall of their city.
- Benefits of Shakai Hoken
Medical assistance, childbirth and salary payment during absence due to illness or injury not caused by work, among others. If the registered person dies, the family will receive a pension. If you become disabled, the holder will receive a disability pension. When the insured person undergoes consultations or treatments in a medical institution, 70% of the medical costs are covered by the insurance, only 30% of the total medical expense must be paid by the insured person (depending on age, 20% or 10%). In the case of childbirth, the Shakai Hoken holder may receive 60% of the salary, assistance for childbirth or death.
- High Medical Expense
When the value of medical expenses becomes too high within a period of 1 month, the amount that exceeds the established base amount may be reimbursed later by the National Health Insurance. But the amount varies from region to region. The request form will be sent by the City Hall only to people who meet the established requirements. To receive this benefit you will need to have a receipt for payment of the medical expense.
The benefit is granted to pregnant women who are working and will receive 60% of the average salary for 98 days. She will receive the benefit 42 days before her expected birth date and 56 days after birth. And during maternity leave, the shakai hoken fee will not be charged.
This aid is provided to cover expenses for births that last at least 4 months (including premature births) and pregnancy interruptions (spontaneous or voluntary abortions). The aid amount varies from 390 to 420 thousand yen. To receive this assistance, the pregnant woman must be an insurance holder or dependent on her spouse’s health insurance.
- Funeral Expense
When the insured dies, and if the wake ceremony is held, 50,000 yen will be provided. You will need to have the Document that can confirm the person representing the wake (cremation certificate, etc.). Funeral assistance can be requested, upon the death of a relative, by the family member responsible for the funeral (moshu).
- Benefit during sick leave
In case of absence from work due to illness or injury not related to work, the shakai hoken covers 2/3 of the daily allowance, starting from the fourth day of absence. To receive this assistance, the illness or injury cannot be related to work (work accidents are covered by other insurance).
- Receiving Assistance after Leaving the Company (disconnection from insurance)
Even having left the company, losing the insured qualification, the person will be able to continue receiving the salary (60%, two thirds) if they are not able to work due to being ill or injured.
To be eligible, you must meet two conditions:
- The person must be registered with the insurance for more than one year (one day before the date of departure);
- If the company leaves the company after 3 days of absence (waiting period) due to illness or injury.
- Pension
After having paid into Social Security for 25 years, the insured person who reaches 65 years of age will be entitled to receive a pension until his death. If the person dies, dependents may receive a pension. In case of disability, the insured will also receive a pension.
Bom de a , gostaria de ter mais informações sobre recebimento do seguro após deixar o país , como receber os 80% e depois resgatar os 20% restantes
Boa noite desculpa a demora, segundo nova lei não existe mais esse resgate, pois os anos que trabalhou aqui (contribuiu) é contado no brasil, mas para isso precisa levar documentos que prove seu tempo de trabalho (contribuição) aqui no Japão. Se você vai embora definitivamente prepare todas as documentação, se entendi bem, no seu caso acho que você já foi embora faz tempo. Geralmente para não ter problemas ou dificuldade no Brasil, é preciso levar documentos daqui. Como não levou se for dar entrada vai ter que ter uma pessoa no japão que possa te ajudar.
Boa tarde, gostaria de saber se há algum site ou lugar em que eu possa consultar se estou inscrito no Shakai Hoken (Kanagawa) Não estou confiando na empreiteira e gostaria de tirar a dúvida por mim mesmo.
Bom cada cidade tem escritório do Shakai, teria que procurar mas só em japonês, e a mais de um tipo de Shakai hoken teria que saber certo qual é o seu, mas vamos pensar junto, quase todos os Hoken vc recebe uma carteira, mas geralmente leva um mês para chegar. Então pergunte a empreiteira quando chega a carteira do Hoken. Pois com a carteira vc terá certeza que esta registrado no Shakai Hoken. Espero te ajudado.
Em caso de perda do cartão do shakai hoken, como faço para pedir s segunda via e qual o tempo de espera?
Sorry, the waiting time changes depending on the region, so just get in touch to find out
Buenas noches
Cuando al recibir el subsidio por enfermedad
Te descuentan hoken ,nenkin , impuestos
Quisiera saber eso por favor
buenas tardes, hice una verificación, dice que es obligatorio pagar el Shakai, entonces el shakai deduce el nekin y los impuestos