After two years of social distancing, Summer Fest is finally back, this Saturday, August 6th, the second day of the event took place in Nagoya’s Central Park with performances by Latin and Japanese artists and DJs from our community.
We don’t have an exact number of how many people came, but it was fantastic to see the community having fun at the biggest International Multicultural Event held in the city of Nagoya.
This amazing festival was held by Neo Fest Events, organized by Irlena Neo, producer Genylson Souza, MC Fumio Almeida and Willian Kenji.
With the presence of the singers

Romullo Caneda

Luti & Lil Xinni

Freestyle Japon

R.K.N. Rapper


Regis Nascimento

Maju & Lincon Mello


Carol Scafi

Helias Reis

Toshiro Nohara

Natalia Danae


Bands and Dance Group
No Break

Serginho & Band Time

Nayara Vanyse

Bands and Dance Group


Summer Fest 2022 Sunday – Click Here