Gohou Falls is a famous waterfall consisting of five waterfalls in Yaotsu City, Gifu Prefecture. The first three waterfalls are called Ichi-no-taki, Ni-no-taki and San-no-taki, and the total height of the three waterfalls is 80 meters.
A little past the first waterfall, there is an observation platform overlooking the three waterfalls against the backdrop of the red bridge, a superb combination of bridge and cascades.
The first waterfall (Ichi-no-taki) is 44 meters high, the second waterfall (Ni-no-taki) is 23 meters high and the third waterfall (San-no-taki) is 13 meters, totaling 80 meters in height.
First Waterfall: 44 meters high
Second Waterfall: 23 meters high
Third Waterfall: 13 meters high
The three waterfalls together add up to 80 meters in height
Follow the trail to reach two other waterfalls, Niten Falls and Enmei Falls. These waterfalls are also historically significant, as they are said to have been used as a special training ground for swordsman Musashi Miyamoto in the mid-1500s.
Enmei Waterfall: 20 meters high
Niten Waterfall: 28 meters high
And at the time of autumn leaves (November) the waterfall takes on a reddish tone that makes them dazzling.
The trail is well maintained and easy to walk and leads up to the five waterfalls, the stairs are a little steep but easy and lead to the top and on to other waterfalls.
It will not be necessary to go all the way back, as this path will take you back to the start and to the parking lot.
Parking / Toilet
- Tourist Attraction: Gohou Waterfall
- Location: Yaotsu, Gifu.
- Height First Waterfall: 44 meters.
- Height Second Waterfall: 23 meters.
- Height Third Waterfall: 13 meters.
- Height Enmei Waterfall: 20 meters.
- Height Niten Waterfall: 28 meters.
- Path: Trail/Stairs.
- Activities: Hiking, Mountain.
- Route: More or less 1.5 km.
- Observation Deck: Available.
- Entrance: Free.
- Parking: Available / Free (about 20 spaces).
- WC: Available (parking).
Gifu Kamo Yaotsu