Home EventsFlower SeasonCosmos Flower Cosmos Flower Festival at Tower Park 138

Cosmos Flower Festival at Tower Park 138

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The Ichinomiya Cosmos Festival at Tower 138 Park, has about 130,000 beautiful yellow and orange cosmos flowers blooming around the Tower against the backdrop of the Twin Arches, looking like modern art.

  • Cosmos Festival: beginning of October to beginning of November.
  • Type: 130,000 yellow and orange cosmos…
  • Location: Tower Park 138 (Ichinomiya – Aichi)
  • Entrance: Free
  • Date: Beginning of September to beginning of November
  • Park Hours: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
  • Parking: Free (900 spaces)
  • WC: Available.

Aichi Ichinomiya Komyoji Urasaki 21-3

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