Gifu-ken has a population of 1,979,516, including about 49,649 foreign citizens, approximately 13,687 Brazilians, 685 Peruvians, 297 Americans, 9,996 Chinese, 5,238 Koreans and others (Data Prefecture).

It is the 7th largest Japanese prefecture with approximately 10,621 square kilometers, surrounded by 7 other prefectures AichiFukui, Ishikawa, MieNaganoShiga e Toyamae, being one of the few where there is no coastline.

It consists of the former provinces of Hida and Mino, plus smaller parts of Echizen and Shinano. The name of the province derives from its capital Gifu, during his campaign to unify all of Japan in 1567. The first character used comes from Qishan (岐山), a legendary mountain from which most of China was unified, while the second character comes from Qufu (曲阜), the place of Confucius’ birth. Nobunaga chose this name because he wanted to unify all of Japan and wanted to be seen as a great mind.

Historically, the prefecture served as the center of sword making throughout Japan, with Seki being known for making the best swords in Japan. More recently, his strengths are in fashion (mostly in Gifu City) and aerospace engineering (Kakamigahara).

Gifu City is known as a historic town with Ukai (cormorant fishing) on the pristine Nagara River, a tradition with nearly 1300 years of history. Agriculture is also an important industry because of Gifu’s vast arable plains. It is also famous for Gifu Castle, a central landmark in the history of the 16th-century Daimyo general Oda Nobunaga.

Origin of the name Gifu

It is said that the name GIFU was chosen by Nobunaga Oda, among the 3 names (KIZAN, SHIHI, GIFU) suggested by the Zen monk (Souon Takugen) of the Masahide temple in the Owari region, when he transferred the residential castle to Inaba mountain. The Buddhist priest Takugen is said to have thought of these names, following the ancient historical fact of China. Thus, Nobunaga, who wanted to conquer the country, chose the name GIFU, changing from Inokuchi to Gifu near the castle on Inaba mountain.
However, there are several theories about the origin of the name Gifu, such as that it was already used among Zen monks, even before Nobunaga named it.
Gifu production activities

In each region of Gifu Prefecture, various agricultural products are cultivated throughout the year, according to the natural conditions of the place. Taking advantage of the hot climate of the plain in the southwest region of the Province, rice is actively cultivated. And, taking advantage of the cool summer climate from the areas between the mountains to the high and cool areas of the Hida, Chuno and Tono regions, vegetables such as summer turnip, spinach, tomato and others are actively planted. In the mountainous regions, there are also cattle ranches for beef and milk production. In the fishing industry, there is Ayu fishing as the main fishing activity in rivers and the fish farming of Rainbow Trout, Amago and others.


Chosen from among the designs inscribed by the prefecture’s citizens, based on the first Kanji (gi) of the name of Gifu Prefecture, the circle surrounding the Kanji signifies peace and harmony.


Ena, Gero, Gifu (capital), Gujō, Hashima, Hida, Kakamigahara, Kani, Kaizu, Mino, Minokamo, Mizuho, Mizunami, Motosu, Nakatsugawa, Ōgaki, SekiShirakawa, Tajimi, Takayama, Toki, Yamagata.

District: Anpachi, Fuwa, Godo,Ibi, Kamo, Ono, Yoro.



Gifu Attractions


Observatory / Viewpoint

Tourist Boat / Cruise



Tulips > March ~ April

Tulips > March ~ April

Roses (Bara) > May ~ June

Hydrangea (Ajisai) > June

Spider Lily (Higanbana) > September ~ October

Cosmos > October

Ginkgo Biloda > November

Autumn Leaves > November



