Tateshina Town - 立科町

Tateshina City (立科町) is a city in Kitasaku District located in the eastern part of Nagano Prefecture and the total area of the city is 66.87 square kilometers. Tateshina is very famous for its apple orchards.


In April 1955, Ashida, Yokotori and Santowa villages in Kitasaku District merged to form Tateshina Village, in October 1958 Tateshina Village implemented the town system and became Tateshina City, and in April 1960 a part of the city of Mochizuki was incorporated.


Tateshina has a total population of 6,768 inhabitants, including around 107 foreign citizens. Tateshina has a climate with large annual and diurnal temperature ranges and it is common for minimum temperatures to fall below -19℃ in winter and the maximum can reach 36℃.


Tateshina City’s name originated from Tateshina Mountain, a famous tourist spot since ancient times. Mount Tateshina is 2,530 meters high and stretches along the border with the city of Chino. Mount Tateshina attracts many tourists in summer and winter, there are large resort hotels and guesthouses in this area.

Tateshina Attractions

  • Mount Tateshina (蓼科山) is also known as “Suwa Fuji” because of its mountain shape similar to Mount Fuji, it is one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan. It is …

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