The area of Kakegawa is 265.63 square kilometers with a population of 117.309 inhabitants, including approximately 4.564 foreign citizens, of which 1.676 are Brazilians, 220 Peruvians, 16 Argentines, 7 Paraguayans, 9 Bolivians, 2 Mexicans, 615 Chinese, 913 Philippines, 84 Koreans , 176 Vietnam, 37 Thai, 21 Nepal, 24 Sri Lanka, 108 Indonesia, 44 Pakistan and others...

Kakegawa City │ 掛 川 市

Kakegawa (掛 川 ) is a town located in Shizuoka Prefecture, the area is steeped in history and features Kakegawa Castle and two other castle ruins. It is also a city that preserves traditional culture and art.


Kakegawa has a climate characterized by hot, humid summers and relatively mild winters. September is the rainiest month. Temperatures are highest in August, reaching around 27.8°C, and the lowest in January with 5°C.

The city of Kakegawa was created in the April 1891 cadastral reform, four years after the opening of Kakegawa Station on what later became the Tokaido Main Line railway. The city expanded continuously over the years, annexing neighboring villages and towns in the Ogasa district, and was elevated to city status in 1954.

In the agricultural sector of Kakegawa, the production and processing of green tea predominates. The city is surrounded by green tea fields and is known for its high quality tea, it also offers a wide variety of typical products such as strawberry, roses, kuzu fabric (kuzufu), famous sweets of the region, etc.

Kakegawa has several light industrial complexes. The main products include telecommunication equipment and electronic equipment, cosmetics, automotive components and musical instruments.


The city’s emblem was designed in the image of the campanula flower, in the shape of the letter K, the initial alphabet of the city’s name, which reflects the expectation of the future of the city of Kakegawa, with the motto “City of dreams and of the future, in an interaction with sea, mountains and roads.” The emblem was created in 2005, when 1 municipality and 2 districts merged to form the current city.

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Kakegawa Attractions

Kakegawa Bird Park (Kakegawa Kachouen – 掛川花鳥園) is a bird park where you can have fun interacting with birds and beautiful flower scenery, located in Kakegawa City in Shizuoka Prefecture, …

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