The population of Fukuroi City is 88,579 inhabitants, including about 5,316 foreign citizens, 132 Peruvian and 2,692 Brazilian, 12 American, 332 Filipino, 326 Chinese, 673 Vietnamese, 65 Koreans, 108 Indonesian, 64 Thailand, 58 Nepal, 35 Pakistan, 34 Sri Lanka, 30 Paraguay, 15 Taiwan, 14 Malaysia, 13 Cambodia, 12 Bolivians, 7 Americans, 4 Argentines and others (city hall data).
Shizuoka Ecopa Stadium (静岡スタジアム・エコパ) opened in Fukuroi City on March 26, 2001 and is the largest stadium in Shizuoka Prefecture. With capacity for 50 thousand people. The stadium is now …