The population of Hamamatsu is 804.968 inhabitants, including approximately 24.336 foreigners, 1.725 Peruvians and 9.321 Brazilians, 320 Bolivians, 29 Argentines, 153 Mexicans, 3,829 Filipinos, 2.683 Chinese, 2.619 Vietnamese, 1.270 Koreans, 899 Indonesians, 314 India, 2 60 Nepal, 230 Thais, 89 years old, Sri Lanka (data provided by city hall), considered the city with the highest concentration of Brazilians in Japan.
Ryuo Gongen Waterfall is surrounded by steep cliffs over 100 meters high. It is a refreshing waterfall located in the Tenryu district of Hamamatsu City, the water from the waterfall …